PAJ Oil Statistics Weekly
Release schedule
The publication data for non-members may be suspended due to force majeure or other unforeseen circumstances, such as server outages, a fire, power outages or natural disasters.


2024-07-25 14:00
Revision of the PAJ Oil Statistics Weekly (from December 2024 data)

Thank you for your subscription/interest to the PAJ Oil Statistics Weekly (hereinafter referred to as the PAJ weekly statistics).

Following the repeal of the Petroleum Industry Act in 2001 as the last measure of deregulation aimed at promoting further efficiency in the supply of petroleum products, the PAJ weekly statistics was launched in 2003 to provide the information necessary for the proper allocation of resources in the liberalised petroleum market and to further improve the efficiency of the production and supply system.
Almost 20 years have passed since the launch of the PAJ weekly statistics, during which time the Japanese oil market has stabilised supply and demand and improved market transparency, and we believe we have achieved the original aim of the PAJ weekly statistics, which was to reduce the undue influence of uncertain information on market conditions.
Even as efforts to realise carbon neutrality progress in the future, the stable supply of energy from petroleum is still important both in times of peace and in times of disaster, and the importance of providing information on inventory levels required for the stable supply of petroleum products will remain unchanged.
On the other hand, we believe that it is necessary to appropriately review the type of information required with the times and promote initiatives for the newly required sustainable energy supply.
Therefore, as of the second week of December 2024 (Tuesday 10 or Wednesday 11 December, depending on the type of subscription), we will be reviewing the content of our publications as follows.

As a result of this change, if you wish to terminate your current subscription, you will be refunded according to the remaining subscription period. If you wish to terminate your subscription, please contact us.
Please note that in view of the various current cost increases, the current subscription rates will remain unchanged.

Details of changes
The publication of production, imports and exports of all oil grades will be suspended.
The publication of naphtha stocks will be suspended.
The Weekly Average Imports (Past 3 Years) for references will be suspended.

List of items published in the PAJ weekly statistics (After the second week of December 2024)
1.Crude oil
Designed Capacity (BPCD), Weekly Average Capacity (BPSD), Crude Input (KL), Stocks of Crude Oil (KL)

2. Products (KL)
Stocks of products: Gasoline, Jet, Kerosene, Gas Oil (Diesel), LSA, HSA, LSC, HSC.

3. Unfinished oil and Feed stocks (KL)
Stocks of Unfinished oil and feed stocks: Unfinished Gasoline, Unfinished Kerosene, Unfinished Gas Oil, Unfinished AFO, Feed Stocks.

There are no changes to the divisions of All Japan, East Japan and West Japan (still to be published as before).

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For Member

Full set course member (Charged)
Data for Analyzing course member (Charged)

For Non Member

Non Member(FREE)
The publication date for non-members is noon the day after the publication date for members.
The publication data for non-members may be suspended due to force majeure or other unforeseen circumstances, such as server outages, a fire, power outages or natural disasters.

PAJ Oil Statistics Weekly Details and Application

Introduction to PAJ Oil Statistics Weekly ※Sample data is available
Definitions of each product and item etc. in PAJ Oil Statistics Weekly
Application (Charged)
Japanese page HERE

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