The data on free page will be updated on 2 Nov.
Thank you.
We start adding NAPHTHA data on the weekly stats from this week (Publish on 11 Oct.)
Thank You.
We release the data for both "15 Aug" and "22 Aug" on about 17:00.
Thank you.
Now we revised the csv file format.
New file format does not contain the "capacity at the end of last month".
This data was not published from last year.
Thank You.
Now this site is down, you cannot access some pages.
Please wait for recovery.
We will update the stats data until 17:00(JST).
Thank You.
We are sorry that we have to postpone release naptha data because of a technical trouble.
We are sorry that we cannot revise the stats data on time.
Please wait a moment.
Thank you for using paj weekly stats.
From next week, we add "Naptha" to this stats, except "Product Import".
Thank you.
We have published the last week data.
We are sorry that we cannot revise the stats data on time.
Please wait a moment.