Dear subscribers,
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.
Dear subscribers,
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.
We found wrong figures in Weekly Average Capacity & rate, Designed Capacity & rate, published on 25th Aug.
We have corrected figures at 11:15 on 26th Aug JST.
## We changed the schedule ##
Thank you for visiting our weekly stats service web site.
We will have a server maintenance on 13 Mar 2015, and stop the web service during the maintenance time.
Maintenance Schedule
13 Mar 2015 (Fri) 17:00 - 20:00 (JST)
Thank you for visiting our weekly stats service web site.
We will have a server maintenance on 13 Mar 2015, and stop the web service during the maintenance time.
Maintenance Schedule
13 Mar 2015 (Fri) 10:00 - 17:00 (JST)
Dear subscribers,
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.
Dear subscribers,
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.
Thank you for your checking our bulletin.
We have just revised the sample files on the "introduction" page.
Introduction to PAJ Oil Statistics Weekly
Please check the samples if you consider subscription for our stats service.
We found a wrong figure in gasoline inventory on the weekly stats published at 16:05 JST.
We had correct the figure at 17:40 JST.
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.
We have corrected the figures in "Weekly Average Imports (Past 3 Years)" for March.
And also "Crude Input" in the week from 10 March to 16 March.
We have some troubles in our stats system yet, but we will be able to update the stats and publish the tables in 30 minutes.
Please wait for a while.
Dear subscribers,
Because of system troubles, we expect to delay disclosing our weekly statistics.
Some companies that offer the weekly stats data to PAJ have some troubles, and they have not offer the data to us.
Please wait for a while until we update the weekly stats.
Around 17:20(JST), we updated the last week stats sheets, but no figures of the last year were on the sheets.
Now we re-update the stats sheets.
We had solved our servers troubles, and have updated the stats sheets.
Sorry for the troubles.
Thank you for subscribing our stats service.
Now we have some troubles on our stats server system.
We expect that the time to update the stats will be overdue.
We have attended "r" mark on the stats "06/Nov/2012".
We publish the first edition with lack of around "Topper Capacity" figures.
We have added the figures on 2nd edition.
It has no difference between the 1st edition and 2nd edition except those figures.
On the data sheet for the week from 14 Oct 2012 to 20 Oct 2012, we found the lack in "Topper Unit Capacity" figures.
We have corrected the data sheet and apologize that.
Dear subscribers,
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.
We have some troubles on the database of METI and Temperatures data.
Now we are correcting database.
Please wait a while.
Now we found the cause of the system trouble.
We will update the stats figures on 20:00 (JST).
We have corrected some figures on the stats.
8 Oct Stock of LSC
15 Oct Stock of LSC and Unfinished Gasoline
5 Nov Stock of LSC and Weekly Average Capacity(BPSD) of West
12 Nov Stock of LSC and Weekly Average Capacity(BPSD) of West
19 Nov Stock of LSC and Weekly Average Capacity(BPSD) of West
26 Nov Stock of LSC and Weekly Average Capacity(BPSD) of West
Dear subscribers,
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.
Dear subscribers,
Thank you for subscribing PAJ weekly statistics.
We delay updating today's data.